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August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month – This is What You Can Do

7 Min Read

We are in the beginning of National Hair Loss Awareness Month, and experts say this time of year is about talking about the reality of suffering from hair loss. The focus should be on prevention and treatment.

Did you know that as many as two-thirds of American men will experience hair loss as early as at the age of 35? And although this problem is more associated with men, about 40 % of women experience visible hair thinning by the age of 40.

Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical, who is a leader in the field of hair treatments, has some advice on how to keep your hair healthy and avoid losing it. His cheat sheet for prevention of excessive hair loss is as follows:


  1. Desire. Be aware of your hair and keep the desire to maintain its health. Your hair is a direct reflection of your health and vitality. Keep an eye on what it looks like, and if you start noticing signs of thinning, do not wait. undefined. Research shows that many people who begin treatment for their hair loss wish they had started sooner. The chance of treating the problem effectively also increases the earlier you seek help.

2. Detect, diagnose, and measure early. Get yourself to a dermatologist, doctor or hair specialist to get diagnosed as soon as you notice something out of the ordinary.

3. Identify risk factors. Hair thinning is hereditary, so any family history of lost hair will be of importance. But hair loss is also caused by outer factors. Some examples are smoking, over using styling tools, leading an unhealthy lifestyle or eating certain medications. Hormones are also very important. Many women experience hair loss or thinning during or after menopause.

4. Early treatment. Once you are diagnosed, do not wait to take action. There are as many different treatments as there are reasons for hair loss, so make sure to discuss all aspects of your symptoms with your MD. For some, eating supplements could be enough, as lack of certain nutrients can contribute to thinning hair. For others, a change of lifestyle or even a medical procedure could be in order.

5. Work with a credentialed specialist. Dr. Bauman advices to not trust people claiming to be a healer of some kind, or people who lack credentials. Base your decision in scientific research and check any practitioner’s reviews online.

Women Often Suffer From Hair Loss in Silence

As women’s hair loss is less talked about, women often feel like they cannot talk about their problems. But the issue often feels way worse if you believe you are totally alone in it. The fact is there are many specific types of hair loss that affect women primarily. They often have to do with stress, hormones, wearing the hair in too tight a style, or reactions to chemotherapy after breast cancer treatment.

During National Hair Loss Awareness Month it should be time to open up about women’s suffering from hair thinning. Women do make up 40 percent of American hair loss sufferers, and the toll it can take on a person’s self esteem and emotional wellbeing can be devastating. Bringing awareness to the problem to get rid of the stigma surrounding it is a first step towards allowing more women to seek help.

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