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Postpartum Hair Loss – What is it and What Can You Do About it?

7 Min Read

A few months after giving birth, a lot of women notice quite a bit of hair shedding. It is actually more common than you might think to experience postpartum hair loss. But the question is, what can you do about it?

Hormone Overflow

While women are pregnant, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone skyrocket, causing the body to look and feel different. These hormones are not only responsible for making your mood more unreliable than ever, but can also give you that famous glow. The hormones change the way your body looks, but also how your hair looks. A lot of women experience increased hair growth, volume and shine while being pregnant.

To Have Postpartum Hair Loss is More Common Than Not

After giving birth, the body stops producing excessive amounts of the female hormones. About two to four months is what it normally takes for the levels of estrogen to plummet. This will cause many hair follicles to move from the growth phase to the resting phase at the same time, which means more hair will fall out. This usually lasts between 6 and 24 weeks, and very rarely exceeds 15 months. But for someone who is experiencing it for the first time, it can be a shock to see all that hair in the drain or on the brush.

Postpartum hair loss is however more common than you might think – up to 40 to 50 percent of women who have given birth, experience it. But if you notice severe hair loss after giving birth, or if you have a history of hair loss in your family, it could be a sign of future, more permanent hair shedding. But that means you have time to forestall it and do what you can to prevent it.

What Can I Do to About This?

Specified medical treatments for postpartum hair loss are not yet available. Scientists also say they could do more harm than good since the condition is, in the majority of cases, temporary. So to handle postpartum hair loss, use the tricks that women with naturally thin hair use to create an illusion of more volume.

  • Use a volumizing hair mousse that will give your hair an extravagant boost. Also make sure your hair is moisturized, by using hair masks, conditioner and avoiding heat styling tools.
  • Change your haircut – take the opportunity to go short. This will not only make hair loss less noticeable, but also save you time in the shower when you have a little baby to think about.
  • Wear accessories, like hats, to divert attention or cover your head.
  • Try a natural hair supplement that will help healthy hair growth from inside by providing you with all the vitamins and minerals your body may be lacking.
  • Make a homemade hair mask regularly to inject a ton of moisture in your tresses. If you make it from things in your kitchen, like eggs or coconut oil, it will not cost you much.
  • Experiencing hair loss can be a stressful event so it is even more important to not let it get to you, as stress itself can cause or worsen hair loss.  Wind down and try to not get stressed out. Practicing yoga and mindfulness can be a huge help, not only for your hair but also for you overall health.

It is Temporary!

Most important of all – remember for most women this is a temporary condition! If you just gave birth, there are more important, and fun, things than your hair to focus on. Enjoy being a new mother and let time pass. Before you know it, your hair follicles will be active again and your normal hair growth will kick in.

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